I just know some liberal higher power decided not to mail ME my guide because I'm conservative. Not that conservative votes are even counted in WA. They just recount until they get the outcome they like. (The last few sentances were in jest. Well, the first sentence was anyway.)
Fortunately, I found it online (that's nifty, saves paper!) here: http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/aud/elections/archives/gen09/vps.htm
I skipped through some of the initial information, like the "traditional sample ballot" they include to try and help the not-so-smart among us make sure their vote counts. We don't want hanging chads or anything. 5 Steps to make sure your vote count:
- Bring identification when voting at a polling place. (Liberals don't care if other liberals don't bring identification...like the homeless people they shipped into the polls in Ohio)
- Mark your ballot correctly. (Duh.)
- Sign your ballot envelope when voting by mail.
- Mail your ballot prior to election day. (Wait, you don't count the ones you receive 3 weeks later?)
- Keep your registration up to date. (See my comment on #1)
- Vote NO on "Proposed Amendment Charter #1" - Reason? Why should we extend the term limits for WA politicians from 2 terms to 3? I say we shouldn't because given the state of WA politics, we need new people more often than not. Let people only screw up our state government and economy 2 times.
- Vote NO on "Proposed Amendment Charter #2" - It proposes moving certain elections to "off years". Both sides of the argument said "If you voted yes on #1, vote yes on this one too" or "If you voted no on #1, vote no for this too!" I think it's a dumb idea. Why do they need to move elections around? So we can be in a constant state of running for office?
- Vote NO on "Proposed Amendment Charter #3" to eliminate Run Off Voting - Run off voting means that voters can select their FIRST choice for an office and then two the lesser of the remaining evils for your second, third choices. I've liked that idea ever since I learned about it.
- Auditor: Jan Shabro (she's done a good job)
- Port of Tacoma Commissioner Position #1: Connie Bacon (the other guy wants to widen the Panama Canal...)
- Port of Tacoma Commissioner Position #2: Dick Marzano
- Port of Tacoma Commissioner Position #4: Don Meyer
- Lakewood Council Position #1: Darrel Shiley
- Lakewood " " #2: Connie Colman Lacadie
- Lakewood #3 : Jason Whalen
Oh yes and:
WA Initiative 1033 – Limit growth of government revenue YES
WA Referendum Measure 71 – Don’t undermine Marriage REJECT
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