Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist If...

If you haven't read this, you need to. It's tongue in cheek and yet, I've seen a LOT of these come into play in my conversations with atheists in my life. I will just say as a disclaimer:

I LOVE THEM, GOD LOVES THEM, even though the majority are mean, bitter, angry, and foolish people. I do love them because God said so. Which is a sample of the irony of life!


Although you've memorized a half a dozen proofs that He doesn't exist, you still think you're God's gift to the ignorant masses.

You believe the astronomical size of the universe somehow disproves God, as if God needed a tiny universe in order to exist.

You think questions like, "Can God create a rock so big that He cannot lift it?" and, "Can God will Himself out of existence?" are perfect examples of how to disprove God's omnipotence and ultimately how to disprove God. When someone proves to you the false logic behind the questions (i.e. pitting God's omnipotence against itself), you desperately try to defend the questions, but then give up and go to a different Christian site to ask them.

You are a person who absolutely believes that life came from nonlife, yet absolutely deny the possibility of anyone rising from the dead.

You won't bet $10 on the football game because a 50/50 chance isn't good enough, but you have no problem gambling with your life on the nearly impossible odds of a cell randomly generating from nothing.

Engaging the "slippery slope" fallacy, you think you can invalidate the whole bible by discrediting Genesis, since 'the whole bible either stands together or falls apart'. However, when a Creationist tries to invalidate the whole doctrine of naturalistic evolution by exposing the sheer improbability and lack of evidence of abiogenesis, you note this point as 'irrelevant'.

You think the movie “Inherit the Wind” best describes the eternal struggle of how an evolutionist is being treated by creationists in this religious society. And you can personally relate your life to the Scopes Monkey Trial.

You ignore “Time Magazine’s” poll, which states that only 28% of Americans believe in evolution. But of course, “Time Magazine” must been run by creationists.

You teach a belief only held by 28% of a nation, as truth beyond any shadow of a doubt because only educated people believe in evolution. Yet of course, you ignore that fully educated scientists in most other nations have proven against Darwinian theory. Like the Chinese paleontologist who reportedly says: "In China we can criticize Darwin but not the government. In America you can criticize the government but not Darwin."

It goes on and on and on and on! It is an excellent read! :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Mr President

Obama retreat on war: The return to pre-2001 criminal law mind-set
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

The war on terror is over. The decision to prosecute the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, along with his al Qaeda cohorts, in federal court marks a political watershed. President Obama seeks to return America to a pre-Sept. 11, 2001, mind-set. Terrorism is to be treated - as in the 1990s - as a criminal law enforcement matter.

The administration's decision to hold Mohammed's trial in a New York City civilian court, just a few blocks away from ground zero, is irresponsible and grotesque. Foreign terrorists who commit atrocities against American civilians will be given full constitutional and legal protections. They are to be treated like any common murderer or rapist. This will embolden jihadists to wage more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.


Wow. Do you ever think things can't get worse? I think Conservatives and those who identify as part of the Grand Ole Party have given up on that whole "Well, at least things can't get worse" idea with the current administration. Age old saying "When it rains, it pours" couldn't be more true.


Unless Obama is hoping that there will be rioting and the bad guys will be taken and executed by a mob, moving terrorists to be tried in a regular court makes no sense.

P.S. Mr President
-- Unemployment is still rising. Confusion abounds, wasn't that what this whole "stimulus" thing of invisible money pumped back into the economy was supposed to do? It was just as dumb when Bush did it, so you figured you'd try again?
-- You need to decide what you're going to do on Afghanistan. We all know the BS you campaigned on isn't going to work, so we're just waiting for your latest ideas. And if you're going to say "I'll ask my generals on the ground" um yes, we've heard from them, and you're still not doing anything.
-- Sorry about that whole not getting the Olympics in Chicago thing.
-- I think the deep bow you did to the emperor or whatever is the least of your problems.
-- How's attacking Fox News going for you?
-- Are you afraid of Sarah Palin? That's not making you look good.
-- Is it bothering you how quickly those who supported you are now joining in on the "complaining" and questioning of your policies? Did you REALLY think you'd get the messianic treatment forever? We're selfish beings and you've got a very small window to please everyone and you missed it.
-- Health care? Seriously? You're seriously adding THIS gargantuan disgusting bill to what is already going wrong?
-- All I can hope is that hope and change come in 2012!

Sincerely, Conservative Minority

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin on Oprah - Pt II

I thought the interview went well. Granted, while I do like Sarah Palin and I have no significant affection for Oprah,I thought Oprah was pushing her agenda and was generally snarky in tone with S.P, who I thought took questions in stride and did well in answering them.

It didn't feel like particularly new information was shared but I just appreciated seeing her at her home, with Trig, and seeing more of who she is as a person. I was on Twitter a bunch during and after the interview and I did liked someone's comment that asked if Oprah was intimidated by Sarah Palin. Could be! Oprah doesn't hold any power of Sarah, and they both know it. Oprah's bad opinion of Sarah Palin (which is already fairly obvious, especially on a political level) hasn't hurt her yet, and the continued attitude doesn't make conservatives like her (S.P.) less.

Sarah Palin kept things civil, even in talking about how annoying Katie Couric was and ended the interview in a complimentry way to Oprah, which I thought was sweet.

Here's my deal with Sarah Palin right now. As a person (as much as people CAN know 'as a person' people in politics) I like her. I think she's smart. I'm excited to see what's next for her. I still don't like and don't know all the facts about her dropping out of being Alaska's governor. I wish she'd finished that out.

Are people out to get her? Sure. A) She's a woman and B) she's conservative. And like being a black conservative, as a female conservative you'll be called any number of things from a traitor to a b****...

Newsweek's cover of S.P. was more of the same. Sexism and bias.
Not to mention it's a picture Newsweek basically stole from a running magazine (photographer illegally allowed a second magazine to use this picture while under contract with another).
And finally, MSNBC used a FAKE picture of Sarah Palin in a stars and stripes bikini holding a semi-automatic rifle. Gimme a BREAK!

Good luck getting to a day where this kind of sexism (on both sides) is not allowed when half the country's women are buying into this and spewing their own hatred for Sarah Palin. Why? Because she has too many kids? Because she didn't abort the child with down syndrome? Because she hates other women? (That's code for being anti-abortion).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah Palin on Oprah!

Or, she will be, where I can watch it anyway, in about 15 minutes. You should tune in, as I will, and then I will post an update on it!