Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kids in school and abortion funding

Supposedly, people who support "choice" (aka, a woman's right to abort a baby) still do not LIKE abortion. Everyone claims they they do not like abortion. We'll exclude the businesses that make billions of dollars off of abortion procedures and referrals (like abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood). If that is true, and we can give all people the benefit of the doubt for this post, why are there arguments on issues we should all agree on?

A person that disagrees with the abortion procedure on logical, moral, and/or scientific grounds should in NO WAY have to fund it with money they unwillingly give up through taxation. The Hyde Law "prohibits federal Medicaid and Medicare money from being spent on most types of abortion, including pregnancies that threaten the woman’s health or involve fetal anomalies. Federal money can only be used to pay for an abortion when the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman or results from rape or incest". But this has to be renewed every year. Why then is there an debate about making the language concerning abortion in the (horrendous) proposed health care bill abundantly clear? Has clarity every hurt a politician or a lawmaker? Why the desire for ambiguity on this issue? (Especially when these are the people that are constantly demanding more laws and more "clarity" on gun control, registering, ownership, etc etc etc.)

And on another topic, Obama did one thing right (not that he has any credit really for this at all) in a plan to have public schoolers in school longer during the day and longer during the year. Maybe this will bump American students into a better place compared to our national neighbors. Of course, this would only really help if a child was in a safe learning environment (protected from their bullying peers and by teachers flooding students with their personal political beliefs as opposed to not being allowed to play tag or dodgeball) with properly regulated class sizes and materials they need.

Some people are saying we don't have enough money for this...well, maybe cut the cash for clunkers and try some tort reform for medical costs instead of the giant health bill. Beck and Limbaugh say this is more time for teachers to indoctrinate kids, unfortunately, true. That's why the parental influence has to be strong when the kids are HOME! Whoopie Goldberg on The View was against it because parents have so little time with their kids as it is! So NOW you want to argue spending time as a family? The whole public school thing is being socialized without your family influence, we can see the effects of this country-wide.

Hey, when in doubt, put them in a good private school or homeschool. Cheap, small class sizes, education that is molded to accommodate individuals instead of the majority, and learning in a variety of ways, not just sitting at a desk for 9 hours. And if, like most people who know nothing about homeschooling, you are worried about socialization, your child can still take individual classes at the local public school, play sports, be involved in extra-cirricular activities at the school or *GASP* outside of a school.

~Conservative Minority

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