Monday, September 21, 2009

What This Is

I would like to write a book, but I'm settling for a blog. As we all know, even the most insane, unskilled, and/or average person can write a blog and you don't have to skip through hoops of publishers and the like. Ideally, this will be my thoughtful take on American Politics. This perspective comes from a 22-year-old, female, Caucasian, and (what makes me a minority) a registered Republican Conservative.

While teenagers and young adults in the U.S. are extremely likely to have sex, get pregnant or an STD, and drop out of public high school, they are unlikely to vote or have any clue what is going on in American politics much less anything else in any other country.

My frustration with my peers was made complete in the most recent election of President Obama. I disagree with a significant portion of his policies and in debating with my friends/peers that supported him unceasingly, I could never get a reason to support him or any policy beyond "Well, he's black" or repeated talking point from one of his "amazing" speeches. Any deeper conversation ended up in frustration on their part or mine, no real talking about any issues and not a lot of actual information being exchanged. I'm not saying that because I have all the answers, I'm saying that at the confession of many I speak to that they have no clue what's going on in the world and frankly "don't care".

I do care. And I have something to say, so this will be my medium, for better or worse. I do hope this isn't recorded/saved and used against me at some future date, for imprisonment or a destruction of an otherwise lucrative political career. Here's hoping!

- Conservative Minority

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