Monday, October 12, 2009

What Youth Can Do to be More Informed

  • While the left constantly trashes the Fox News Network, they don't have a problem with where the majority of teenagers/young adults are getting their political know-how (or lack thereof): "Comedy Central" or MTV. If the people in the 18-29 age group actually subscribed to a variety of news (Yes, variety, including the Associated Press, where a lot of internet sources steal their news word-for-word anyway) and used all the different biases (it's impossible to write without the influence of one's personal opinion) to even it all out, maybe we'd be better off.
  • Understand that the world isn't like highschool. Popularity doesn't mean a person is good, it doesn't mean a person is smart, it doesn't mean ANYTHING. Popularity in politics is about as long-lasting as SNL skit and usually far more entertaining to follow. Just because your neighbor believes something is true or is going to vote for a Presidential candidate is not good enough reason for another person to do it. Every choice should be evaluated personality, the logic of both sides of the argument evaluated, and the actual facts discovered.
  • Resist the urge to name call or insult in other ways, those you disagree with. Try sticking to disagreeing on policy and avoid the personal attacks.
  • Care about it to begin with. I've found my age-group in two MAIN categories. Those who don't care and those who don't have any clue. In the don't care group, that's almost more sad. At least I don't have to cancel out their votes, but if you can't care enough even to vote about things that WILL affect us in the future, what incentive do you have to know more about it. My own knowledge is woefully inadequate, but for many of my peers, their lack of interest in knowledge in our system is disheartening. If you think that issues like property rights don't matter to you now, picture when you own property! If you think foreign policy doesn't affect you, look at the nations that were destroyed within a generation by attempts at socialism and communism, dictatorships, and the restriction or complete destruction of speech, gun, and religious freedoms. It will all come to bear in our lives at some point...take an interest while you actually get a voice about it.
Is it any wonder no one takes our age group seriously in politics? They know getting our vote is as easy as a good marketing campaign with "catchy slogans", lofty oration, and a slick candidate. No substance or facts are needed to get the "youth vote". Inform them about whatever you want them to know, and they will do as they are told.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ashamed that our peer-group is so easily manipulated by commercial whim and the not-to-wholesome desires of some of our political elite.

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